Sunday, December 6, 2009

Don't Injure Yourself This Holiday Season.
In a July 2009 poll of adult Pennsylvanians, about 17% have been injured attempting to open factory packaging (not giftwrap) in which they needed medical attention.

In 2001, the Census Bureau said that twice has many people are hurt during wrap rage than skateboards or swimming pools.

As a result, ScienceDaily gives the following tips:
  1. If you use a knife or something sharp cut away from your body.
  2. Use blunt end scissors.
  3. Wear protective gloves.
  4. Avoid opening tough packaging in crowded areas.
  5. Don't use your legs to keep a product stable.
This entire article tells me two things. Either packages are becoming way too hard to open OR we are impatient raging idiots we can't think "Hmm maybe stabbing this plastic case in my lap is a bad idea."

Pennsylvania Medical Society (2009, December 6). Wrap rage: A holiday injury waiting to happen. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from