Tuesday, September 29, 2009

From the NO, REALLY?!?!?! files: "High Heels Lead to Foot Pain"

Questions: Do you wear heels?

If you answer is yes to the above, then you can stop reading right now because I am only going to tell you what you already know.

Really, scientists? I thought that aching feeling was what awesomeness on my feet feels like.

Its well documented the problems of heels:
  • Heeled women have smaller calf muscles
  • They force pressure onto the balls of your feet
  • Risk of foot curving inward
  • Toes are smashed together
Some women know these medical risks and have turned to cosmetic surgery to shave down their toe bones (wtf, Hobbit feet) or Botox the muscles.

However, heels are not the only problem. Flip-flops, our glorious everywhere go-to shoe, has been shown to change the way a person walks if worn all the time. This can cause ankle, heel and sole problems.

To drive the point further, researches grouped footwear into the following categories:
Poor: sandals, heels, pumps
Average: hard, rubber-soled shoes/ work boots
Good: casual/athletic sneakers

All I have to say is do you think sneakers go with this dress? Or skirt? Or jeans? OR OUTFIT?! No. They do not. Can I wear workboots to the club? No. So, thanks but not thanks. I like my heels, they are wonderful. As for the pain..., that's what insoles are for (and back up flats in the purse).

The true question researchers should be asking is:

Are you gellin'?