Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE: "Space radiation hits record high"

Space is filled with crazy crap, both real and theoretical, that can kill us. Whether it be asteroids, aliens or the possibility of the universe collapsing on itself (seriously), a lot of things are out of our control.

One real problem is space radiation. NASA has a particularly huge problem with the radiation reeking havoc on electrical equipment, ruining future and current space missions. With us humans, it can mutate DNA, causing cancer (this pretty much happens with skin cancer). However, we are shielded by magnetic fields, which....are failing.

The sun's own shield protects the solar system and is spread outwards by solar winds. However, we are at the low point of the sun's 11-yr magnetic activity which weakens the shield and on top of that, the pressure driving the winds are at a 50-yr low.

The influx of rays coupled with the sun slacking results with us baking a little bit more intensely in radiation galore. What does that mean for the climate here? I'm not necessarily sure, but I'm definitely investing in some SPF 100.