Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hey Boo Boo, Where Is My Pic-a-nic Basket?

Researchers with the South Central Florida Bear Project have been baiting with bears with stale doughnuts and pastries in efforts to attach a GPS collar to them. Every 15minutes, the collar text messages a cell phone letting researchers know where the bear is.

(Note to Self: Avoid solo brownies with whipped cream in the woods of Florida.)

Tracking the animals allows the project to see where the population goes and which habitats are important for conservation. Bears used to wander all over Florida, breeding with different bear populations. Human development has reduced this causing isolated bears who run the risk of inbreeding, lowering their genetic diversity.

When bears are caught, they are tranquilized and measured. They are also scanned for microchips to see if they have already been previously identified by scientists. A fur sample is also taken to see if the animal is related to any others that were caught. If they are old enough, they are fitted with a collar.